CR-1 alloy

  • Aluminium alloys
  • Aluminium alloys for high pressure die casting
  • Developed alloys
  • Automobiles and motorcycles
  • Various on-vehicle parts
  • Precision equipment
  • Electrical parts

In terms of composition, this is an Al-Si-Mg-Fe-Cr alloy



This alloy has high corrosion resistance. (Graph 1; Photo 1)

  • A salt spray test (for 96 hr) demonstrated that CR-1 has the same corrosion resistance as ADC12 anodized items.

Graph 1. Comparison of corrosion weight loss with other alloys (salt spray test)

Photo 1. Appearances of test pieces after the salt spray test (after the removal of corrosion products)


Its liquidus temperature is low, and it also has good castability. (Table 1; Graph 2)

  • The addition of Si results in high fluidity.
  • The addition of Fe and Cr prevents from sticking to the die.

Table 1. Compositions and liquidus temperatures for each alloy

Alloy name Cu Si Mg Fe Cr Liquidus temperature (°C) Test temperature (°C)
CR-1 0.00 12.38 0.19 0.21 0.20 582 682
0.00 12.40 0.39 0.21 0.20 582 682
AD6 0.02 0.54 3.55 0.50 0.03 635 735
AD12 1.90 10.76 0.20 0.84 0.08 571 671

Graph 2. Results of MIT fluidity tests (test temperature: liquidus temperature + 100°C)


Parts requiring high corrosion resistance
  • Building components
  • Shipbuilding parts
  • Automobile parts, etc.

CR-1 has been patented.


Please note that the figures described in the above technical data are based on our measurements and are not guaranteed.

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