NA alloys

  • Aluminium alloys
  • Aluminium alloys for high pressure die casting
  • Developed alloys
  • Automobiles and motorcycles
  • Various on-vehicle parts
  • Precision equipment
  • Frames


In terms of composition, they are Al-Si-Mg-Mn alloys.

A high proof stress and high ductility are obtainable, and their corrosion resistance is also good.

The combination of Fe, Mn, and Cr prevents from sticking to the die.


  • For NA-3, a high proof stress is obtainable without heat treatment or with T5 treatment.
  • For NA-5, high ductility is obtainable without heat treatment.
  • NA-6 has a good balance between proof stress and ductility.
  • NA-8 has good castability with 8% Si, and a high proof stress and high ductility are obtainable.
  • DIKNA-9 has even better castability than NA-8, and high ductility is obtainable through T6 treatment at a low temperature of 450°C.
  • For NA-11, a high proof stress is obtainable through T5 or T6 treatment.

Table 1. Examples of the mechanical properties of NA alloys

Cu Si Mg Fe Mn Cr Heat treatment Tensile strength
0.2% proof stress
NA-3 6.32 0.83 0.45 0.44 0.11 F 314 8.5 190
T5 361 5.4 284
NA-5 4.53 0.44 0.45 0.59 F 256 14.3 122
T5 287 8.8 195
NA-6 6.14 0.44 0.48 0.60 F 288 13.0 133
T5 320 7.4 219
T6-1 319 10.8 261
NA-8 0.10 7.94 0.34 0.35 0.39 0.19 F 307 10.8 139
T5 344 6.2 238
T6-2 324 9.3 267
DIKNA-9 0.07 9.08 0.24 0.11 0.29 0.15 F 309 12.3 134
T5 328 7.4 207
Low-temperature T6 209 18.0 132
T6-3 246 11.7 180
NA-11 1.01 7.99 0.62 0.27 0.37 0.19 F 356 7.3 183
T5 385 5.1 265
T6-2 397 8.4 315
(conventional material)
0.01 9.98 0.43 0.12 0.56 0.01 F 323 8.8 159
T5 361 6.1 258
T6-2 317 6.5 265
ADC12 Within the JIS range F 345 2.3 149
  • Test pieces: ASTM tensile strength test pieces
  • F: as-cast
  • T5: 180°C x 3 hr
  • T6-1: 510°C x 3 hr, water quenching, 170°C x 3 hr
  • T6–2: 510°C x 3 hr, water quenching, 180°C x 3 hr
  • T6–3: 480°C x 1 hr, water quenching, 200°C x 2 hr
  • Low-temperature T6: 450°C x 3 hr, water quenching, 200°C x 3 hr

Graph 1. Mechanical properties of F materials (as-cast)


Parts requiring a high proof stress and high ductility
  • Automotive parts
  • Bicycle parts, etc.

NA-3, NA-5, NA-6, NA-8, and NA-11 have been patented.
* DIKNA-9 is covered by the patent for NA-8.


Please note that the figures described in the above technical data are based on our measurements and are not guaranteed.

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