Daiki Aluminium Industry Group Diversity & Inclusion Declaration

The Daiki Aluminium Industry Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Daiki Aluminium Group”) believes that the driving force for continuing to create new value is human resources.
We shall position the promotion of diversity and inclusion as one of our important management strategies and strive to create an environment in which each of our officers and employees (hereinafter referred to as "Officers and Employees") can work comfortably and make the most of their abilities and individuality. To this end, we believe that it is necessary to realize diversity and inclusion, aiming to create a society in which motivated and capable people with diverse skills, experiences, and values are fairly evaluated and accept each other, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, place of origin, religion, creed, ideology, social status, disability, or illness, and everyone’s dignity and diverse values and ways of life are respected.
In particular, we shall position “making the most of diverse individuals" as an important theme, and we hereby declare that we shall promote diversity and inclusion to share the universal principle of respecting diversity and promote respect and acceptance of diverse values.

1. Respect for diversity

The Daiki Aluminium Group shall accept the attributes and differences of not only its Officers and Employees but also all stakeholders who are affected by its business activities, including gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, place of origin, religion, creed, ideology, social status, disability, illness, economic situation, family relationships, and home environment, and respects such diversity.

2. Promotion of inclusion

The Daiki Aluminium Group aims to establish an environment in which the human rights of not only its Officers and Employees but also all others involved with it are respected, their various attributes and differences are accepted without discrimination, and people can combine their diverse strengths to make the most of their abilities and individuality.

3. Raising awareness and improving the environment

The Daiki Aluminium Group shall strive to raise awareness and improve the environment within the Daiki Aluminium Group for respect of diversity and the promotion of inclusion. For the elimination of harassment and discrimination in particular, we shall work to change and improve the awareness of our Officers and Employees through appropriate education. In addition, we shall strive to improve organizational productivity and engagement by promoting work style reforms and improving our personnel system.

June 21, 2024
Shigenori Hayashi, President
Daiki Aluminium Industry Co., Ltd.